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4 Ways to Create Content That Drives Traffic to Your Blog

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You may have invested in the best blogging platforms, hired the best bloggers and created the best user experiences on your blog, but if you’re not earning the readers, your blog is not going to be successful.
A blog’s success isn't determined on its design or platforms—it’s determined by the content. If your blog is not providing your audience with engaging content, you’re not going to generate any readership. Without readers, you will be without success.

If you want to create engaging content for your blog, you need to make sure it contains the following tips.

Be an expert.

People read blogs in order to find out information. This means that you have to be an expert on a certain topic. This does not mean that your blog posts should rant and rave about why you’re an expert and what makes you so great. Instead, you need to give your readers expert information. This will make them see you as an actual expert and will incline them to turn to you when they're in need of your expertise.

Give them what they need.
The best way to provide engaging content is to give your readers the answers they need. In order to do this, you need to ask your readers what they want to know. Always offer a way for your readers to get a hold of you and ask a question. Not only does this ensure that you’re providing the information your readers want, but it also ensures that you receive content ideas on a regular basis, which can help you from experiencing writer’s block.

Answer common industry questions.
As an expert in your field, certain industry terms and ideas may be easy for you to understand, but they may not be easy for your audience. Take the time to break down an important practice or product in your industry so that your readers have a better understanding. For example, if you’re in finance, take the time to discuss a popular savings method, such as Roth IRA or a CD. If you’re in marketing, discuss search engine marketing in detail. This will give your readers a better understanding of a topic while also showing you off as an expert.

Delve into your comments section.
If your blog receives a good deal of comments, make sure to read them and see if you spot a trend that can serve as a good blog post. For example, if you notice that a few comments said they wished you would have gone into better detail on a certain item, use that information as the topic of your next blog post. Some people may be more willing to share what they want to know through a comment than through actually requesting it from you directly.

In order to create engaging blog posts, you need to give your readers information they want to know. Establish yourself as an expert, and write blog posts that teach your readers something about your industry, teach them tricks about managing or using a certain program or service and help them understand a topic in more detail. When you can give your readers what they want, they’ll come a’running.

Peace and Happy Blogging.


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